Kamis, 11 Juni 2015



Knights Clash Of Heroes Hack Idle Enemies. This cheat is working to lock your enemies so they do not move (enemies only idle), so you will easily defeat him and win the battle.

Knights Clash Of Heroes Hack Idle Enemies Trainer V.6 Update ‎Sunday, ‎May ‎04, ‎2014. content of this hack only enemy can not attack.

Tools required:

Tutorials to use this hack:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine

  2. Download knightsclash trainer

  3. Log in to your facebook account and play Knights Clash Of Heroes

  4. After you log in to game.

  5. Then Open knightclash trainer then select process browser

  6. Then enable all hack

  7. After that play Knights Clash Of Heroes and defeat your enemies.

  8. Video Tutorials:

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